SBCC Campus

Campus Safety Committee

Welcome - What We Do

The Campus Safety Committee advocates for the health, safety, appearance and effectiveness of the facilities and grounds at Santa Barbara City College. The committee also ensures the District safety programs and procedures are in compliance with state and federal statutes and regulations. Its members will solicit and contribute ways to improve health, safety, appearance and environmental friendliness of the college.  

It is the committee’s charge to identify and recommend to the College Planning Council specific actions and strategic plans the College community can pursue to move the College towards an improved learning environment and workplace, health and safety, greater environmental sustainability, and improvement in building appearances, including classrooms, offices, service areas, common areas, parking lots and grounds.


The voting members of the Campus Safety Committee consist of the following positions: 

  • Four Faculty - Appointed by Academic Senate
  • Three Classified – Appointed by Classified School Employees Association
  • One Classified from a Satellite campus – Appointed by Facilities Director & Classified School Employees Association
  • One Classified Confidential - Appointed by Association of Confidential Employees
  • Two Administrators/Managers – Appointed by Advancing Leadership Association
  • One Student – Appointed by Associated Student Government
  • One Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Business Services, (Committee Chair)
  • One Director, Facilities Department
  • One Risk Manager, Human Resources, (Committee Facilitator)
  • One Educational Programs Dean Liaison – Appointed by Executive Vice President

Current List of Assignment/Names

The committee members will facilitate open communication with all students, faculty, staff and other important stakeholders. It is important that all who study and work on the campus and extended campuses do so in a safe and healthy envrionment and maintain respect and pride for the buildings and grounds.

Fourth Thursdays
via ZOOM - Contact Adrienne Betty for Meeting Zoom Link

Please note for historical reference, the Campus Safety Committee was renamed in 2024 (formerly known as the Facilities and Safety Committee).